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  • Writer's pictureRev. Dr. Nick Eagle

A Spiritual Approach to Politics & The Truth About Trump

Let's have a conversation. When two people "disagree," it is because one is missing information, not because they have a different "opinion" or "belief;" these are excuses to lack effort and lie. I am not invested in supporting Trump, I have much to lose, but I prefer truth and respect. Let's dive into spirituality in politics.


RFK Jr.'s biggest problem with him is lockdowns. I do not like that he locked us down during Covid, but they lied to us about how deadly the disease was, so it wasn't a horrible decision. He will never believe them and do it again. And now RFK is endorsing him.

If you think Trump is dumb enough to make fun of a disabled person, knowing the person was disabled, you make extremely poor calculations. And the disabled man was a very low-vibe liar. If you argue this, I'd bet you don't even know what he said.

If you think he is a racist, I promise you lack effort, you do not know the border comment or Charlottesville comments in full context and you just ignore that he was friends with every rapper, Oprah, all talk show hosts and The View liked him. Mike Tyson and Lil Wayne support him. I'd bet you are also clueless about what the "First Step Act" is. He also funded and saved many black universities that Obama didn't. Do you know about the opportunity zones in South Carolina?



If you think Democrats care about the illegals and aren't opening the border and spending a huge percentage of our money on them for votes, stop saying words that aren't questions. Their worst people are the ones coming in; it's not successful people. And this hurts the chances of effortful people who try to get in legally and it is extremely unfair.


if you think taking away guns and defunding the police are good ideas, few are more lost than you and few make such horrible and effortless calculations. And now, at the hand of much death and suffering, this has been proved. The cities with the most extreme gun laws and the least police are by far the ones with the most suffering and crime and they are all ran by Democrats.

One day we will not need police or guns, but we are nowhere near that day. This is virtue signaling: saying things that sound good and appear good at face value without calculating anything beyond right now, to support corruption and pretend that you are an intelligent person and better than others.


I am pro-life, AKA, anti-death and anti-ripping life out of a woman, under any circumstance, even the very small percentage of rape victims. Why would you ever want a woman, who just went through a horrible situation to go through another? And yes, women will initially suffer, but as with most far-left policies, you are only calculating the immediate future. I assure you, advanced civilizations do not abort life. And when women start treating sexual encounters, as sacred acts, that should only be done when one is ready to become a parent, one would never need to abort life.

Trump's wife and children are all really beautiful and respectful people. Baron graduated with honors and is beyond brilliant.

If you think porn being in schools and grooming children into not appreciating what they have been given, pretending "God" makes mistakes and mutilating themselves with drugs and surgeries are good decisions and high vibes, go sit in the corner for a year - you live in destruction, chaos and you have absolutely nothing to teach anyone.

Are you aware he signed bills to clean up the National Parks and oceans?

Yes, he was a billionaire dollar playboy who enjoyed the company of beautiful women and had the money to pay for it. And who knows what agreement he has with Melania. I don't support single or married men getting strippers or escorts but don't act like 99.999% of every man you've ever known wouldn't.

He met and took a photo with Jeffery Epstein once, because they lived in the same community and they were at a party together. He didn't like him and he never went to his island. Please do not forget what we all know happened there and who was involved, as Bill Clinton speaks and fools cheer for him at the DNC.

Yes, he takes money from big pharma. I most definitely prefer RFK Jr. on this, but Trump has begun to speak up against this evil as well. The vaccine industry and big pharma fooled him as they did most of you, but he is becoming wise to it.

Yes, he is unhealthy but he doesn't drink alcohol and he does get outside, golf and move around a little bit.

Yes, he is pro-big oil and if you spend more than 10 seconds researching climate change, you will see it is a hoax. With this said, I'm still all for eliminating oil burning, but we need nuclear fusion plants and a car that runs on something other than electricity (from burning oil) or gas. Trump did have the lowest emissions in many decades. We can't just make it magically disappear. And the Green Deal is just a way to steal and launder our money as most Democratic policies.

And you couldn't have one bad thing to say if you understood the darkness he fights and how much suffering and war he prevented. There was NO WAR when he served. They lied and scared us into thinking he would cause it. If you think he wants war, I bet you don't even know what the "Abraham Accords" are. He should’ve received a Nobel Peace Prize for them.

By now, you must know how much better the economy was with his policies including tax breaks, fewer regulations and tariffs on imported goods. If not, READ:

Are you aware he doesn't need more money and he could be on a yacht with his family? Did you know he donates his presidential salary to charity? Did you know he's the only president that lost money after becoming president?

This man has had two failed impeachments, he's been indicted four times and shot and it's not because he's a wing of the bird. He fights against the most corrupt deep state: FBI, DOJ, and Soros prosecutors.

Have you read Agenda 47? It's loaded with amazing things. I hope you don't pretend Project 2025 is in any way associated with Trump (even though, I agree with much of it) and believe this lie pushed by darkness.

Agenda 47:


Religion and politics go hand and hand. It is the god-fearing party against the godless party, and I don't like either approach. I am very anti-religious, but we are nowhere near getting someone like me in there, who knows that we are a part of “God” and oppose destructive and war-causing religion, and it will not happen in the near future. But I'd prefer someone who worships a God outside of themselves over a godless human who pretends “God” makes mistakes.

Trump haters have nothing but ignorant names to call him and me. I challenge you to do research and ask yourself where this hate comes from, as you fill yourself with darkness when someone says his name. I promise it wasn't from an honest person giving you honest facts. I did not approve of the casino owner and reality star being in office, at the beginning. And if I didn't seek truth and expand where I got my information, I still wouldn't. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a thing. Please also watch unedited videos or a full rally. OR GO TO ONE. THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL. There is SO MUCH to learn and take in. He has repented for his past and he really does want what's best for us. I KNOW THIS. IT IS NOT A GUESS. Do not listen to the whispers of darkness. Research everything and dig deep down inside of you for the answers. I promise everyone in your life who speaks poorly of him does not do this.

Trump made animal cruelty a felony. He's also the first president to fight child sex trafficking. This is the truth about Trump. He fights almost all of the darkness and no matter how bad darkness tries to make him look and how much they lie about him, we truth seekers will see through it.



Rev. Dr. Nick Eagle


Politics and spirituality are one. Many people message me complaining that I speak of politics and not "spirituality," but one couldn't be more lost to suggest politics are not spiritual. We spiritual people need to plug back in and have a VERY LOUD voice, if we understand purpose and wish to make a change. You do not have to dig too deep before you find spirituality in politics. If you have anything to enlighten me with, please message me on Instagram @thenickhawk


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