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  • Writer's pictureRev. Dr. Nick Eagle

How to Leave Behind "Victim Mentality" to Operate at Higher Levels


"Victim mentality disorder" is not a thing. Deciding to be a "victim" is a thing. Darkness and Psychology teach you that you are weak and have no choices. They both give you excuses to act that way such as, this "disorder" causes you to feel this way, so you can blame external forces. You never have to feel any way about anything that has happened or is happening ever. "Feelings" are your creation and you must own this to awaken.


Blaming external forces or others

Lacking gratitude and appreciation for what you have

Complaining about what you do not have

Pretending you are broken and not capable

Not taking responsibility for the darkness you bring to the world

Carrying very heavy and dark energy

All of above will create your victim complex and none of them you have to do. We need to stop pretending we do not have a choice. This victim complex plagues the world because we put "feelings" before truth. To many of us allowed people to pretend that it isn't lack of guidance and effort that is the root cause of their suffering.


The first thing you have to do is take better care of yourself and stop poisoning your brain. My "Enlightenment Protocol" at the bottom of the page will guide you, but read this first:

The people who struggle the most need to make different and better decisions, PERIOD. You get out of victim mentality by not doing the things that got you there. It's all lessons; LEARN THEM. Decide you have suffered enough. Stop doing effortless things because you think pity and people feeling bad for you is beneficial energy. You need to repent and take responsibility for the darkness you bring to awaken to your potential and operate at higher levels.

My first awakening was just this. I was sick of lacking confidence, suffering and I repent and admitted that I did not have answers and my destruction came from my poor decisions. I saw other people being confident and thriving and I knew that I could as well, and it was time to take better care of myself and get to work.

This victim mindset does not benefit or serve any of us. It's lies that lower our vibration. The victim mindset is created by parents and communities that should not be teaching. They feed it and pretend right along with you that you are broken. I SEE THROUGH IT. I've been there and I've lived it. We do it because we lack effort and self-discipline and we see it as a way to get out of things and get attention from others. This victim complex is complete lies and darkness.

Stop listening to people who take poor care of themselves, still suffer and lack confidence. Darkness is teaching before you have found the answers and this world is filled with false profits and people giving advice who haven't gotten anywhere. It's all gimmicks. It's people finding ways to take advantage of you and take your money. They keep you in these low vibrational victim mentality states because they are in them and they have nothing to offer. See through it. See through the lies. So many cry themselves to sleep and pop pills and then tell you what you should do. If you want to leave this victim complex behind, you leave them behind. ALL OF THEM. Go to the mountains. Sit at the tops and do not move.

Overcoming Victim Mentality with my "Enlightenment Protocol"

We will dive into my "Enlightenment Protocol" in my next blog post so make sure you sign up on my email list if you haven't, but for now, click the link below to get started. I am providing you all of the answers to leave behind the victim mentality mindset, fear and operate at the highest levels for no charge:


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